Is your goal to appear higher in search engine results; showcase a particular area of expertise; or interact with other attorneys in the same practice area? Your answers should certainly direct your overall social media strategy.
- If you want to appear higher in search engines results then you MUST embrace social media. We have proof that Google and Bing both love displaying results from highly refreshed Social sites like FaceBook and Twitter. See our past blogs on this -- FaceBook Results, Bing/Twitter Results.
Also, just by having profiles at Social Media sites gives you plenty of incoming link opportunities for your Site, thus boosting your Search engine rankings. A total win/win.
- If part of your strategy is to interact with other attorneys or showcase your expertise, then LinkedIn is also a must. Besides giving you the opportunity to produce a Profile and receive reviews, you have the ability to join or even form Groups. Find Groups where you can interact with other like-minded attorneys or Groups that are a specific Target audience for your practice. What better way to grow relationships and put your expert comments before targeted prospective clients?