It's official -- Matt Cutts (Head of the webspam team at Google) recently blogged and posted a video snipet that Google does NOT consider 'Keyword MetaTags' when ranking sites. That said ..... before you go deleting all of your keyword Metas or mistakenly believe that they are no longer needed in SEO, HOLD YOUR HORSES! Yes, Matt clearly states they do not use the 'keyword metas'; however he also clearly states they DO use 'description metas', and for some reason, does not address the 'title tag'. How should we react to this startling revelation? By NOT reacting at all. Consider the following.
1. Most all of my SEO clients have great Google search engine positions for their focus of law.
2. We pay great attention to all of our (your) Meta Tags -- Title, Description & Keyword.
So what gives? I've said it a million times, but at the risk of repeating myself I'll say it again :) A solid SEO strategy like ours does not rely on one component, but a compilation of components that we've proven have successful results. By eliminating your keyword meta tag, you will eliminate a major component of your total strategy and probably do major damage to your rankings at other engines such as MSN/Yahoo/Bing. Who's to say that in a year or 2 (which is the estimated time that this merger is expected to be in full swing) Bing won't be the new Google? Then you'll be sunk! At AJIS we will continue using our proven multi-faceted SEO method that has sent our clients to the TOP of the engines.
Here's a perfect model case to prove my point. I just checked my Traffic Analyzer for New Jersey LawSite. Google has sent me (you) close to 1,000 visitors so far today making them my top search engine in sending me (you) visitors. No surprise there -- we're always in the Top 5. The next highest engine that sent us traffic was -- you guessed it -- Bing. So on down the line as follows: Yahoo, AOL, Search, Ask. So without the 'Keyword MetaTag' at New Jersey LawSite, we may have robbed ourselves of at least another 500 or so visitors sent from those combined engines. Pretty significant, wouldn't you say?
So in closing -- a simple plea from little ole me. PLEASE do not mess with anything at your site that may affect the success you are now enjoying at ALL of the engines, including Google. Your success is ours!
These SEO Tips are a service to New Jersey Lawyers at New Jersey LawSite