While prospective clients have not knocked my virtual doors down as a direct result of my social media postings, the following upsides must be carefully considered:
- I've formed relationships with others in Groups that have indirectly brought a client to me without even knowing it. For example. I had a Disability lawyer on the hook for a month without a signed Contract. I had the opportunity to speak w/his wife during one of our tel conversations (who happened to be an IP lawyer) and somehow the name Nils Montan came up. When I told her that I met Nils through LinkedIn and he interviewed me as an SEO expert for his upcoming book, guess what? I had a signed Contract in my hands that very week. Gracias Nils :)
- By forming relationships with those who became fans of my FaceBook Business page, I now have a captive audience every time I post on new SEO happenings. I always end my posts with a link to either my SEO Blog or my Youtube Channel. I've answered the telephone at least 3 times to a future client saying I'm watching you talk about SEO right now and I'd like a proposal on what you can do for my business.
- I saved the best for last. Social media is the most effective fuel for building other resources. Besides owning an SEO company in both NJ and AZ I am also VP of a local Networking Group, Arizona Women Networking. Social media has been paramount to the growth of this networking group, which in turn has been paramount to the growth of my company. A direct result of viral growth.
If you think social media will be the quick fix answer of how to get immediate clients, then yes you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you take the time to actually 'meet' new people for who they are, and not just as potential clients themselves, you'll be unexpectedly pleased with the results. Any may even make some very good friends along the way.